MyCoupon Social Network

Some smart entrepreneur was bound to put the idea together eventually.  This week it appears wins the prize.  They have built an online coupon repository that currently has over 14,000 coupon codes for products services and items all across the Internet.  That's pretty good considering they've just recently relaunched their site in the numbers of grown by several thousand just since the launch have been a few days ago.

Combining the powers of social networking with concept of sharing a coupon code is kind of like evolving the concept of a chariot wheel to a radial tire.  Coupon codes probably are one of those things that have been shared socially sent shortly after the Internet was created in formalizing that in a structured website that enables people to do that with the latest technology and social networking is bound to make the experience easier.

The result is that instead of having to do a quick Google search every time you're about to check out a product looking for that coupon code essay via fiber 10%, instead you can go to and have instant access to thousands of special offers, discount codes, coupon codes and more.  And of course since it's a social network that also encourages you to share the coupon codes and discount codes to find right back in the same repository for the next people in a long.

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