Archaelogical Blogging in the Public Domain

I've picked up a new hobby.  I am blogging in the public domain in regards to an old medical encyclopedia originally drafted in the 1860's and my version last published in 1916.

The journal is a 1700 page encyclopedia called the Library of Health and I am going through the book a section at a time and reviewing the book, soon the images, and the belief systems that directed the creation of the book.

This is something that I could not have done in years past without the benefits of a blog, content management system (wordpress), scanner, digital camera and more.

I've establisehed a new site and blog at htp://  You can check out my Book of Medicine and track my progress with the review.  I originally purchased the book ten years ago at an auction, but only recently discovered the jujitsu lesson section.  It features images of two people (presumably Americans in the early 1900's demonstrating jujitsu moves.  One of the men looks just like my Great Grandfather when he was in his late 40's, which was a pretty surreal find for me!

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