Alliance-Leicester Awarded Best Current Account

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Our sponsors A&L were recently awarded "Best Current Account Provider" in 2006.  We strive to gather great sponsors to Maven Mapper's Information so that we can keep bringing great stories information and insight with absolutely no subscription fees or donations.  Our sponsor Alliance-Lecester of the United Kingdom provides excellent Bank Accounts service for many of your potential banking needs.

We welcome their support as one of our sponsors and wish them the best as they work to take the top awards this year.  Of course they can not achieve that goal if they do not provide great service and in that our readers and their customers benefit directly. 

Setting up a new bank account is not difficult.  The true challenge for most people is changing over their account from one bank or credit union to another.  I have never been able to drop one banking partner entirely and instantly switch to another.  I do recommend that you slowly transition, or add an additional bank.  I tend to open up a new account and as it makes sense start to route my activity to the new institution.  Sometimes you get free checks up to a certain number at one bank.  Use those to best advantage and then use the free checks from another bank if you regularly have more.

For many reasons it is always wise to diversify your banking needs across multiple institutions.  In the US and UK there is not much risk of bank default these days.  However, there are times when it is convenient to have multiple accounts at different institutions.  This can save you money on ATM fees sometimes if you travel to an area not covered directly by your primary bank with ATMs.  There are many other ways this can help as well so diversity is always a positive option to consider.

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